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Kuorma-autojen venttiilit
Kuva Tuotenro. Valm.tuotenro. Nimike Laatikossa
1 05009200 VALVEV3.22.1 Valve Truck TBL 1390 (Alive) 1
2 05009201 1-550-020 Valve Truck Trailer for Super Single 1
3 05009202 1-550-022 Valve Truck 764 L.90 mm 1
4 05009203 1-550-052 Valve Truck 65MSF L.40 mm 1
5 05009204 1-550-026 Valve Truck TR-571-C L.57 mm 1
6 05009205 1-550-027 Valve Truck TR-573-C L.82 mm 1
7 05009206 1-550-036 Valve Truck Trailer (small valvehole) for Super Single 1
8 05009207 1-550-056 Valve Truck Trailer (Reversed) for Super Single 1